At Gilbertstone Primary School, we have developed a knowledge-rich and skills-led curriculum which inspires our children to learn and succeed. We have designed our curriculum to be engaging, relevant and challenging, to broaden pupil’s minds and develop a natural curiosity to learn. Using the aims set out in the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum, our broad and balanced curriculum is designed with a clear sequence of content and skills. We aim to develop pupil’s competency in the following essential skills to support them in accessing the curriculum and so they thrive in their wider lives.
Our curriculum is constructed to develop and challenge every child, including disadvantaged and those with SEND, to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to succeed as learners throughout their life. Teachers support pupils in reflecting on their prior knowledge and skills to deepen understanding, develop skills and make progress from their starting points.
Gilbertstone Primary School recognises the importance of English and Maths teaching in order to open up other areas of the curriculum and therefore emphasis is placed on ensuring pupils develop key skills in these areas. We are passionate about Reading and where possible many of our topic areas are centred around carefully chosen, high-quality texts which support children’s learning across the curriculum as well as providing a stimulus for children’s written work in Literacy. In all subjects, we recognise the importance of high-quality teaching to enable pupils to know more, understand more and remember more.
We value the role that outdoor education has in a child’s development and aim to incorporate outdoor learning into our broad and balanced curriculum. We are very fortunate to have our own Forest School area and through these sessions we intend to give pupils a love and excitement for being outdoors, whilst supporting and enhancing their learning experience.
At Gilbertstone we want all children to grow up healthy, happy, safe and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of living in modern Britain. Through our golden rule of ‘Treat others as you wish to be treated’ we are committed to celebrating diversity and promoting inclusivity and equality of opportunity for all. We aim to promote positive mental health, emotional well-being and resilience for all through our PATHs curriculum (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies). Our RHE curriculum further supports children’s understanding of key concepts of physical, mental and social well-being. We aim to consolidate the British Values of democracy, liberty, respect, tolerance and the rule of law through our wider curriculum and enrichment opportunities.