Our science curriculum aims to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and an understanding of the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We want pupils to develop a complex knowledge of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, but also adopt a broad range of skills in working scientifically. Our curriculum aims to encourage critical thinking and empower pupils to question and challenge misconceptions, further developing their conceptual understanding and scientific knowledge.
At Gilbertstone, we deliver our science curriculum through a scheme of work from Kapow. This science scheme is a spiral curriculum, with essential knowledge and skills revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. A range of engaging recall activities promote frequent pupil reflection on prior learning, ensuring new learning is approached with confidence. The science in action strand is interwoven throughout the scheme to make the concepts and skills relevant to pupils and inspiring for future application. Cross-curricular links are included throughout each unit, allowing children to make connections and apply their Science skills to other areas of learning.
Each unit is based upon one of the key science disciplines; Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
National curriculum content is grouped into six key areas of science:
The ‘working scientifically’ skills are integrated with conceptual understanding rather than taught discretely. Children are encouraged to draw simple conclusions and use scientific language to talk and write about what they have found out. They are taught to present their findings in a range of ways including written outcomes, images and charts and graphs. Emphasis is placed upon the importance of acquiring new scientific vocabulary and this is integral to each lesson.
We have an annual Science Week which allows all pupils to explore a broader range of topics.
Pupils will