It is our intent to provide a high-quality curriculum that develops a love of writing. Using the aims set out in the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum, we develop secure knowledge and skills in writing, which follow a clear pathway of progression, building year on year and laying the foundations for secondary school.
We will inspire our pupils to write through using a wide range of age-appropriate engaging texts, to fuel their imaginations. We will offer a varied range of writing opportunities, so that children experience a range of genres for specific audiences, whilst practising the essential writing skills of the curriculum.
Discussion will be used throughout the writing curriculum to talk through their ideas and refine their spoken and written expression. Pupils will also develop a rich and varied vocabulary by direct vocabulary instruction. Our children will have opportunities to consider and experiment with words for effect and will learn how to plan, revise, edit and evaluate their work effectively.
The children will take pride in their writing, and be encouraged to write clearly and accurately, adapting their grammar, language, and style for a range of contexts. We want our children to be secure in the basics in spelling and grammar so that they are then well equipped for Secondary school.
Our writing units are based upon good quality texts, some of which are linked to other areas of the curriculum, where appropriate. This allows the children to make rich connections with the wider curriculum, make writing purposeful and expose our children to age-appropriate quality texts. Each text type follows a similar teaching sequence:
Grammar and Punctuation
This is taught in discrete sessions each week and is applied in the writing units, to reinforce the skills taught. The teaching of grammar skills is progressive and provides opportunities to regularly re-visit prior learning.
School follows 'Spelling Shed' from year 1 to year 6. The children learn spelling patterns in discrete spelling sessions each week as laid out in the scheme of work. They are provided with opportunities to revisit the patterns across the term and to use in dictated sentences.
School follows the ‘Letter-join’ handwriting scheme from reception through to year 6, which is an interactive resource. Each of the key stage requirements are met through Letter-join’s handwriting Lesson Planners which supports our pupils to write legibly in a cursive style. Our handwriting scheme is further consolidated in displays around school.
Our writing curriculum will enable pupils to:
Assessment in writing is ongoing and used to inform planning, so gaps are addressed promptly. In year 2 and KS2, independent writing activities are incorporated into the units, with regular moderation meetings planned in to benchmark judgements In KS2, children are assessed termly in Spelling. Grammar and Punctuation and this is used to inform future planning.
Skills Progression Overviews: